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June 17, 2024
The Legend of Ruud van Nistelrooy, The Curse of the Americans, and The Cake Side of Life
Filed under: Germany |

Four years ago, Ruud van Nistelrooy-international Dutch superstar-took a vacation along the Blue Ridge Parkway in North Carolina. The weather was bad-dark sky, poor visibility, unappealing road trip conditions. So when he saw a sign for Holiday Inn Drive, he pulled off the highway and opted to wait out the weather.

While hauling his bag out the car, he noticed a small white placard: ASHEVILLE INDOOR SOCCER CENTER.

The Asheville Indoor Soccer Center is a massively confusing place to find-you must drive down Holiday Inn drive through the hotel parking lot until you reach a winding, poorly-lit road that takes you to a vinyl-sided warehouse one could think was abandoned were it not for the small, easily-missable sign with an arrow allegedly pointing toward an indoor soccer field. If you are Bobby Somerville, indoor center manager, there is no chance an international superstar is going to arrive in your foyer.

When the tall brown-haired man with a strong nose walked into the indoor center and explained that he was on holiday and had been driving for a long time and wanted to bang the ball around a bit to stretch out his legs, Bobby Somerville was getting ready to go home. Because Bobby is a softie, and not because he thought he might be talking to Ruud van Nistelrooy, he agreed to keep the field open for another half hour.

Ruud’s first strike banged off the ceiling lights. Irritated, Bobby stood up from his desk and raised his arms. Ruud smiled sheepishly and gave him an apologetic wave.
Five minutes later, Mike Rottjakob, the Asheville soccer coaching director, walked in and said, ” Who are those guys?”

”Hell if I know,” Bobby said.

Mike walked out of the office and back to the field, watching for several minutes before returning to Bobby’s desk. ”I think that’s Ruud van Nistelrooy.”

Together, they leaned over the walls of the indoor field and tried to decide if it was possible that one of the top goal-scorers in the world could be playing right there in front of them, in Asheville, North Carolina.

”Ruud?” they called.
”Ruud van Nistelrooy?’
He never answered them directly-just smiled and continued to hit perfect volleys from goal to goal.
”He was very coy,” Bobby would tell me, as I made him repeat the story again as I filed team registrations at my part-time job at the indoor center. ”He’d smack a volley, saying in jest, ‘Who could hit a volley like that? Ruud!”’
Within twenty minutes, Mike and Bobby called every soccer fan they knew and Ruud van Nistelrooy was playing in a pick-up game with anyone who wanted to play.

Because of this story, and my subsequent fondness for Ruud van Nistelrooy, when Ryan, Luke, Ferg and I are putting $10 on a team in the EURO 2008, I choose the Dutch.

Ferg bets on the Germans-a solid, safe pick, Luke opts for the French, which he blames on the boys of Marseille, who effectively convinced him of their greatness even though they’d be missing Zidane, and Ryan went with the Italians.

I don’t hold Ryan’s pick against him. Primarily a tennis player, I figure he must not know the Italians are the team you love to hate…performative dives and pouty faces nothing you would ever knowingly choose to support. I haven’t forgiven them for the dramatics that brought on the questionable penalty kick robbing the Aussies in the semi-final, nor the questionable penalty kick against the United States in group play, nor the way Materazzi insulted Zizou’s mother and then crumbled to the ground. Some countries teach the dive as a component of the game…and some countries don’t.

Of course, once we are inside a roomful of Italians, I keep this perspective to myself.

As the Italians were kicking off against the Dutch, we were arriving an Arezzo, where we were spending the night at an art school…an art school without a working television. We drop off our bags, hop into our rental car, and begin to scour the streets for a television, which is usually quite easy to find when the national team is playing. But the Arezzo downtown is not accessible by car. It’s a twenty-minute walk we don’t have time for. We know of one bar on the outskirts of town but when we arrive, it’s closed, garage door all the way down.

But we can hear sound coming from the other side of the door.

Rebekah and Luke bang on the door and someone from the inside raises it halfway up while we state our case.
A second later, we are surrounded by Italian men who have shut down the bar in order to fully focus on the game. It is a very loud room, but not a happy, loud room because the Italians are already down 2-0.

With a two goal lead, I am able to keep my game reactions fairly neutral. It is not until Holland scores their third goal that Rebekah, Luke, and I give ourselves away with a small hoot of happiness. The four men to our left slowly turn their eyes on us, a new awareness in their faces: they have let traitors into the room. They have given their beer and their food to traitors.

The Americans are deemed a curse. We know this because a large man in the back row rises from his seat and makes several trips to the bathroom, cupping water in his hands and flicking it at us, trying to free us of our demons. We smile apologetically, pat them on their shoulders, yell Grazie, and head home.

Three days later, we’re on our way to Innsbruck, Austria to see EURO 2008 up close. It’s the Spaniards against the Swedes and we harbor a fledgling size hope of getting tickets.
As hordes of colorfully dressed fans pass us by, we hold a small sign: We need tickets. This prompts lots of pats on the shoulder, ”Ha, don’t we all.” One smug couple walks by and asks us how much we’d be willing to pay for a ticket. We say, “150 euros?” and they laugh in our faces.

So when a round Spaniard in a Peter Pan hat tells us he’s got two tickets in Category 1 but that he wants to sit with his friends-and that he’ll sell them to us for 150 euros a piece-we can’t believe our luck. It is still a load of money, but it’s about face value and we think, how many chances do you have to go see a EURO game?

I pat Peter Pan’s arm in enthusiastic thanks and let out a small, happy squeal.

We find some leftover yellow face paint laying on the street and spread it across our cheekbones. We haven’t decided whether which team we want to win, but yellow is a crossover color that can be read as support for either side. Groups of fans parade in front of the camera, making faces, singing songs, shouting game predictions.

A half an hour before game time we make our way through the stadium gates. We are laughing, giddily excited, aflush with success, when the woman examining our tickets says, “Just a minute,” and begins to talk into her walkie-talkie. She points at some very small print. She laughs and says something in rapid German to the other ticket attendant, then turning toward us. ”It should say ‘Coke Side of Life.’ This says ‘Cake Side of Life.’ These are quite fake.”

We look toward each other in embarrassed, disappointed horror. We are thinking of our euros and the game that will happen without us…when we see a fleet of German police officers coming our way…and it occurs to us that scalping tickets isn’t entirely legal. We’re not sure which part of the process is against the law-the buying or the selling-but when we ask if we are in trouble, the German officer, says, ”Oh yes,” seemingly surprised we didn’t know that immediately.

We are led through the stadium into a small police station, where we hold our yellow-painted faces in our hands, listening to the sounds of game above us and imagining what it would’ve been like to see Fernando Torres make a run up the wing…and what we would do if we came across Peter Pan.

The police speak in fast German and apparently decide we are not in trouble. We tell them we have the guy on tape and their undercover cops snap photos of our LCD screen. They escort us to another police station and as we exit through the restricted section of the stadium, we see a field covered with dozens of guys and girls in fluorescent uniform playing in a pick up game, fifty or so ambulances lined up behind them. It’s the red cross against the paramedics and our escorting cop allows us to stop and watch for a minute or so before we are whisked off to the other station. Until their walkie-talkies summon them out to rescue an injured player or a drunken fan, they sprint across the field in their heavy black boots, just as taken with the EURO football fever as everyone else.

Two hours later, the Spain/Sweden game is over and we are still in the station. Not only have we not gotten to see the game live, we have not gotten to see the game at all. As our policeman drives us back to the center of the city, we call out the car window to the passing fans: Who won? When a group of Swedes tell us to fuck off, we have a good idea of the outcome.

Later, we receive a magic phone call: able to identify the green hat on one of the cams set up all over the city, they nabbed Peter Pan. While we never got to see the game we railed for hours to see, at least we got our money back, and at least they got Peter Pan.


Tara says

I was wondering how many countries you would make it through before being arrested.

Comment by June 23, 2024 @ 10:40 am

Edie and the gang says

Oh my gosh. Something I didn’t think about. I don’t know if any of Luke’s previous attorneys can practice law in Europe or Africa. So glad Peter Pan got caught and you all got the cash back! The digital age has arrived, just like a CSI show.
Love and hugs,
Vamanos Espana!

Comment by June 23, 2024 @ 11:23 am

mary says

Not a good idea to be put in jail in Germany. From the story I thought Ruud would arrive and get you into the game. I guess you all know now the the relatives in Spain are esctatic. So now do you pull for Russia with the Dutch coach or Spain.
Sounds like this leg is easier than South America

Comment by June 23, 2024 @ 11:57 am

courtney says

Miss you, miss you, miss you! I hope you’re finding some vegetables to eat. So of course, France breaks my kids hearts, again. But they watched on. I myself even caught the juciest parts of Turkey/Croatia.

Peter Pan, bad for you, good for film. Did they let you shoot inside? Any fruitcake exchange hands?

Take good care of eachother.


Comment by June 26, 2024 @ 8:55 am

emma k says

Viva Espana!!! Miss you all xx

Comment by June 29, 2024 @ 5:06 pm

bill says

I’m a friend of Bobby Somerville and Mike Rottjakob and I remember the Ruud experience. Your project is an inspiration to us all…even a 50 year old former HFC coach like myself…Bill Pomeroy

Comment by March 29, 2024 @ 7:48 am

Geoff says

Just caught this on netflix, and as an ex player myself I could totally relate to your journey, its hard finding ways to fill the void left from your whole of soccer, hoping everything worked out for you guys,

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bGV3IG9mIGNvbXBldGluZyBjYXJkcyBhaW1lZCBhdCB0aGUgd2VsbC10by1kbywgc29tZXRpbWVz The IDF s third report on the Gaza War contains a variety of unprecedented disclosures and revelations regarding the IDF s military tactics and some of the war s worst incidents of civilian casualties.The late Thursday issued report makes clear distinctions between when the IDF did and did not issue warnings to persons to evacuate an area it was about to attack.For example, where the IDF intended to hit a weapons cache, such as with the July 24 airstrike on Tel al-atar, it provided warnings, to civilians to evacuate areas it would be targeting - sometimes both telephone and roof-knocking warnings.Depending on which side of the debate one is on, roof-knocking is either a cutting-edge or controversial method of warning civilians to evacuate by firing a non-explosive missile at the roof of an area which the IDF will be striking.The missile is set to hit an area where it will not hurt anyone, but makes a loud sound which often scares or encourages civilians to leave.It is often used after civilians do not heed an initial telephone warning to leave.One can debate whether these warnings and IDF intelligence were effective in sufficiently limiting civilian casualties, with five civilians of the Abu Ita household killed in the airstrike.The IDF explained that after its two rounds of warnings, its on-the-ground surveillance revealed substantial numbers of civilians evacuating, leading to the (it turns out) erroneous conclusion that all civilians had evacuated.Clearly, the IDF took pains and went far in trying to avoid civilian casualties.Whether it was enough or whether some will say the IDF needed to send ground forces into the area where the weapons cache was to make doubly sure that no one remained behind could be a core point of debate with the UN and the International Criminal Court. The report also describes in far more specific detail some of the intense battles the IDF was involved in from the perspective of the IDF being shot at by Gaza forces instead of from the perspective of Gazans being hit by the IDF.Cutting through the fog of war, the report reveals that the IDF may have strong arguments to close cases on some of the thorniest war crimes allegations incidents, including a Shejaiya incident in which 31 Palestinians were killed, including 28 civilians and three Hamas fighters.Next, the IDF reveals that in the incident its units came under coordinated anti-tank missile and massive coordinated gunfire from as many as five different positions on July 30.The descriptions are nearly minute by minute.At 4:10 p.m., the IDF was hit by the antitank missile and the massive fire, which injured one IDF soldier and placed the others in immediate mortal danger. Further, the report notes that a tank accompanying the unit was stuck due to a technical failure.The IDF commanders involved thought that the coordinated assault was part of an attempt to kidnap a soldier.Initially, the report said that the IDF did not return fire at all because the Gazan forces fire was coming from areas next to sensitive sites, including a school and a hospital.At 4:40 p.m., the IDF tried using a smoke screen to get the firing on it to stop.Then, at 5:00 p.m., the IDF fired five shells toward one of two other newly identified spots from which large portions of Hamas fire was emanating, after deeming the spot from which Hamas was firing as far enough from a nearby sensitive site.No doubt, critics will ask how far was far enough, which the IDF did not reveal despite other impressive numbers of revelations of the battle in real-time.Getting into details about its weapons strategy, the IDF said that it used artillery mortars to fire on the Hamas fighters because there was no alternative option meaning there was no available aircraft nearby which could provide support.The IDF also emphasized its restraint in deciding not to fire its more destructive 155 mm shells, believing that firing the weaker mortars would contain civilian casualties at lower levels. Following firing on the source of the Hamas fire for 18 minutes without neutralizing it, the IDF fired another 10 shells.40 minutes after this second round of firing, the IDF received reports of hitting civilians.The UN and the ICC will likely as questions about why this information only came to the IDF after 40 minutes despite past IDF commitments to improve its rapid response to learning of civilians on the ground near battle areas, especially since media and paramedics were present.Another area of debate here will be on whether the IDF had sufficient intelligence in general regarding civilians in the area.The IDF explains that its two rounds of warnings to leave the neighborhood were complimented with flyovers which revealed an essentially deserted area.At the same time, it does not seem that the IDF had personnel to review the area on the ground and it admits that in real-time, it did not do a new flyover, since it said there was no aircraft available.Overall, the IDF says it was reasonable for its commanders to assume with the information they had that there were few or no civilians in the area.The UN and ICC may question these presumptions, both because the incident was drawn out so it might seem like aircraft should have been available and because by the incident date of July 30, enough civilian death incidents had occurred in areas presumed evacuated, that they may say the IDF could no longer make that presumption.The IDF can counter that at the end of the day, it was taking heavy fire and showed substantial patience in responding to avoid civilian casualties.The central battle in whether the ICC gets involved in investigating Israel comes down to whether IDF investigations are viewed as reasonable.While the ICC may second-guess some of the above IDF judgments, it may be difficult for it to frame the complex judgments and actions as criminal. h true religion outlet
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