Pelada is a feature length documentary (91 min) that uncovers profound stories from around the globe through the lens of street soccer. The film spans race, economic class, age, and gender to create an in depth portrait of the sport that spans the globe. Covering 25 countries on 5 continents, the stories include prisoners who play around the clock in San Pedro prison in Bolivia, Jews and Arabs who play on the same court in inner city Jerusalem, moonshine brewers who bet on Saturday tournaments in a Nairobi slum, and women who play in hijab in Iran. These unique stories raise global issues of poverty, race, world development, and politics but also evoke a culture and a history unique to each particular place.

Recommended Content Areas:

Cultural Anthropology, History, World Development, Political Studies, Social Studies, Gender Studies, Sport Studies, Psychology, Documentary Film

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"Pelada takes a set of complex issues -- about sport, poverty, gender, religion, and globalization -- and renders them beautifully intelligible and alive. The film is perfect for spurring discussion and reflection on the part of students in a wide range of courses."

-Laurent Dubois, Professor of History and Romance Studies, DUKE UNIVERSITY

"Pelada is an insightful and engaging experience that brings to life a number of social psychological issues ranging from cross cultural themes to those of the self. Pelada clearly brings to life the passion that people from varied cultures have for the game and the meaning that it brings to their lives. All together an extraordinarily entertaining and educational experience – one that I will use in my courses!"

-Anré Venter, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Dept of Psychology, UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME

"Pelada is a smart and accessible film that allows its viewers to see the grassroots nature of soccer culture. It also allows for conversations about the relays between the local and the global, the making of a sports documentary, and is an encouraging statement for college students who are thinking about what lies beyond graduation."

-Jennifer Doyle, Associate Professor of English, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA RIVERSIDE and Author of From A Left Wing Blog

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